What will I do at camp?
A typical unit works to earn their patch or badge, sing songs, play games, enjoy snacks, go on nature walks and participate in arts and crafts projects. Older campers are also allowed to have access to an extended set of hiking trails, archery, a campfire and a sleepover under the stars.
A unit has two leaders and 2-3 PAs (PAs are trained older teen Girl Scouts), giving the unit 4-5 strong, excited-to-be-there, older figures. The unique experience of day camp is an amazing one that every girl would love.
What do I bring to camp every day?
We suggest:
backpack or day pack
lunch - please pack lunch in a gallon size ziploc with the camper's name on it. This allows us to fit more lunches in the coolers.
appropriate clothing for weather conditions
sunscreen or bug spray (not to be shared with other campers)
a mess kit on the day or days your unit is cooking lunch - this can be as simple as a paper plate, plastic fork, and napkin in a ziploc bag.
Sturdy tennis shoes or hiking boots are required.
Please do not bring electronics or other items that would be upsetting if lost.
Medications must be turned in to the camp nurse and campers can see the nurse to take medications as needed throughout the day. Campers are not to carry their own medications without prior approval of the camp nurse.
Why are the volunteers' campers given priority into camp?
Campers of volunteers are given priority because without the adult help, we would not have a camp. Mountaindale West is run entirely by volunteers. No parent would volunteer for a camp if their child wasn't guaranteed a spot at camp.
Does Mountaindale West have a childcare tax ID number I can use for my taxes? Can the camp provide a receipt?
For tax information, contact Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Portland Service Center @ (503) 977-6800. They can provide Tax ID information.
Where is camp located?
Mountaindale West Day camp is located in the Mountaindale area Northwest of Hillsboro and North of Highway 26. All camp activities take place at the Mountaindale Outdoor Program Center which is owned by the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Can I come to camp if I'm not in a Girl Scout Troop?
Yes! We have several individuals who only come to our summer camps. You do have to become a registered Girl Scout in order to come to camp and to be covered by our insurance. When you do register, you are called an Individually Registered Girl, which simply means that you are not part of an active troop. If you would like to join an active troop in your area, you can contact the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington at http://www.girlscoutsosw.org.
How do I get to camp?
As part of your camp fee, we provide a bus service.
Where do I get on and off the bus?
Our bus pick up and drop off are at Westview High school.
Do we still have camp during the day if it rains?
Yes! We are in the outdoors enjoying a "camping experience" and weather is part of that. We suggest that all campers plan for the weather conditions and bring appropriate items. Please do not send umbrellas to camp as these can quickly become hazards!
Can I go to my orthodontist / dental / medical appointment when I'm at camp?
No. We ask that all appointments be made either during another week or after camper pickup hours. If you must go to an appointment during the camp day, we ask that you keep the camper home for the day. We do have a closed gate policy. Trying to find a camper on the 50 acre camp is challenging and can take time and we may not be able to provide someone to find your camper's unit and your camper at the needed time. Also, we cannot allow non-registered camp individuals to hike around our camp due to our insurance policy restrictions.
Why can't I wear sandals or a tank top?
Due to the terrain of the mountainside, your safety and comfort is very important. Dirt trails throughout the camp offer a true outdoor experience and closed toed shoes (like hiking boots or tennis shoes) are a must. There are rocks, shrubbery and twigs that could poke you if you were to wear sandals. Also, tank tops are not allow because many of the trails have shrubs, bushes and trees that hang down and some (like stinging nettle) could pose a small risk of getting poked. We also know that some campers need the extra coverage from the sun to help prevent getting sun burned.
Can I be in a unit with my friends/troop?
Only Daisies and Brownies may request one buddy and we will do our best to put you together when it's possible. Part of coming to camp is making new friends and as a Girl Scout, we all find new adventures and new friends at all our events. We encourage our campers to explore the possibilities.
What if I have special dietary restrictions?
We ask that you note any restrictions on your registration. If you would like to e-mail us as well, you can do that through this website by going to the Contact section. Unfortunately, we are just volunteers, not health or dietary specialists, so we can not guarantee that we have met all the standards to insure a free zone or exact match to dietary needs.
Campers that have peanut and nut allergies please take note. We cannot guarantee to have no peanut products used in our kitchen at camp. As many people know, sometimes products are produced in the same plants that also process peanuts andwe don't always know that information. Also, we do not check lunches of everyone coming to camp, so this does mean that the whole camp is NOT free of peanuts as well.
We do offer vegetarian options. If someone is vegan, we ask that you consider sending any special foods with your camper, if needed. Please note, we can not provide refrigeration for camper's outside food. If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, please note that in the medical section of the online registration, but, just like peanuts, we cannot guarantee that we are gluten free.
Please be sure to note any condition that you are concerned about on the online registration medical information section.
Why is there an almost overnight for 4th graders and an overnight for 5th grade and above?
Due to the overall size of our camp, and the fact that we have had the threat of rain, or have been rained out of an overnight, we have made the decision to come up with a way to run the overnight no matter what. Unfortunately, this means that we can not accommodate the entire grade 4 -7 girls when it rains. Our past overnight numbers have been about 250 - 280 people. The camp just does not have enough physical building space to place every person in a safe environment if it is raining or if there is a thunderstorm. By making the decision to have the grade 4 girls go home at the end of the campfire by bus, this means that we can accommodate grade 5 and above and eliminate the issue of space, which in turn would prevent us from having to cancel the whole overnight for everyone. The grade 4 girls get a taste of what next year will offer them. We believe this is the best overall
option for a positive result.
What do I bring if I'm participating in the overnight?
We ask that you limit items sent for the overnight, keeping in mind that you will need all necessary items for Thursday and Friday as well as overnight things. All items should be brought in one small bag or suitcase. Keeping items to a minimum helps us to make sure that your child's items make it to and from the camp. Lost items can lead to sad campers. To prevent this, please mark all items with the camper's name. We also ask that you remember that all the campers will be sleeping in the open meadow under the stars, so bring:
Sleeping bag - must be one that is warm and can provide good coverage to the camper
A small sleep pad if needed
A small tarp - used for the camper to put their sleeping bag on and enough to fold over them to keep the moisture off of them
If your camper needs an item to sleep with, please make sure it is small and can easily fit in their sleeping bag during the night and in their bag/suitcase during the day.
Please do not bring food, electronics of any kind, tents, or unnecessary medications. Necessary medications should be turned in to the camp First Aider and campers can see the nurse to take medications as needed throughout the day.
We provide Thursday's dinner, Friday's breakfast and Friday's lunch for all overnight campers.
Will we still have the overnight if it rains?
YES! Changing the number of people staying overnight allows us to have the physical space to evacuate campers from the meadow in case of rain. If the weather forecast calls for rain and/or it is raining during the day, we will still have the overnight.
In the past, there have been a few times over the years where once the overnight has started and everyone was asleep, a rain shower showed up. No worries, the Directors always have a contingency plan just for that possibility.