Adult volunteers are critical to the success of our camp program. Being an Adult volunteer at Mountaindale West Day Camp is a rewarding, fun-filled experience. Not only are you able to provide young girls with an outdoor experience, but you also get to do this in a supportive and well-planned environment. Adults who volunteer find that they gain a wealth of experience and knowledge that they can use and pass on in other aspects of their lives. In return for volunteering, all full-time, full-week adult volunteers ensure that their child or children will have a spot at camp.
We look forward to having you join us at camp for a week where memories will be made!
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers must register for camp during the registration period.
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and must be registered Girl Scout members for the current membership year. You can register at our council’s website. The membership year runs from October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025.
Volunteers must pass a background check conducted by the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington (GSOSW) Council within the past three years from the start of camp
Volunteers must be willing to be at camp for the entire week. Our camp does not offer part-time positions. Our philosophy is that consistency within the unit, with the same 2 adults, makes for a smoother week for everyone. Part time unit leaders, switching during the week, disrupt the flow of the unit.
Volunteers must attend all required training sessions for camp.
Volunteers must complete any online Girl Scout trainings that are required by GSOSW. All volunteers are now required to have completed GSOSW Foundations as well as GSOSW Mandatory Reporter Training. Please follow the Friends and Family track in gsLearn.
During the registration process, you will have an opportunity to tell us the areas at camp where you are interested in working. Please be sure to list any skills, hobbies, degrees, trainings, and certifications as this will help us match you more closely to your strengths. You will also have the opportunity to choose the program levels that you are interested in working with.
Fee Incentives
All full-time, full-week volunteers receive a fee incentive.
Fee incentives are given to the volunteer during camp week.
Paperwork at Indoor Training is required and must be signed to be eligible to receive the incentive.
A signature is required during the week of camp in order to receive the fee incentive check.
Incentives do not apply for volunteers that receive full camperships.
For 2025 the incentives will be as follows:
Adults $25
Campers (Daisy - PAIT) $25
PAs: $10
Siblings: $0