• One day during camp, all campers will visit the canteen to cook an age appropriate snack or meal. The unit leadership team will let you know whether your camper needs to bring a lunch or not. When in doubt - pack a lunch.

    One day at camp, all campers will have the opportunity to make ice cream in a can. We have dairy free options for those campers who can’t have dairy.

  • Life threatening food allergies should always be noted in the Medical form as well as in the Meet My Camper form.

    Campers with life threatening allergies or another medially recognized need are always welcome to carry their epi-pen with them.

    Our goal is to provide campers with an outdoor experience, even in the foods that we offer at camp. While we attempt to not serve peanut products, there is always the possibility of cross contamination. Additionally, other campers and adults may bring peanut or nut related products to camp. While we cannot guarantee that we will be 100% nut free, we do make every attempt to be certain that campers are safe.  

  • Food intolerances should always be noted in the Medical form as well as in the Meet My Camper form.

    While we can not guarantee we can accommodate every food intolerance, we do attempt to provide options to meet camper’s needs. We typically have dairy-free ice cream options available, and attempt to have options for those campers who are gluten free, dairy free, or vegetarian during the overnight.

  • During the week, campers will need to bring their own snacks and lunches in a gallon size ziploc bag. This should be food that can stay in a backpack or in a cooler at the campsite. We can not provide refrigeration for camper’s meals.

    There are pre-bagged snacks available for pickup by groups during the day.

    We are able to provide food for campers who forget their lunch.

  • Juniors and older will have the opportunity to participate in the overnight or almost overnight (4th graders) on Thursday.

    Information on the current year’s meal plan will be provided on Monday. Campers with allergies or intolerances who can not eat the food are welcome to bring their own meal(s) if needed. We do attempt to accomodate for intolerances to the best of our ability.