PA/CIT placement process:
This should serve as a guide on how PAs/CITS are placed in units at Mountaindale West Day Camp as a PA/CIT.
General guidelines about PA Placements:
Family members (campers, adults, and PAs) will not be placed in the same unit. The exception to this rule will be if a sibling camper is placed in either ODS or PAITs since there is only one of each of these units.
There will be NO friend requests for PAs.
Requests for units will be taken into consideration, but no guarantees are made that those placement requests will be made.
PAs will serve only ONE year in any one unit with the exception of Lead PAs and the Rainbow unit. This includes the sibling units.
PAs applying to a New Lead position must be entering the 10th or 11th grade. Applying PAs will be interviewed prior to placement. If the PA is selected as a Lead PA they will be offered a placement based on the skills best suited for a unit and meets the general guidelines for placement.
The oldest sibling unit will have only PAs entering 10th grade and above with an emphasis on placing more experienced PAs in this unit.
Placements with known criteria:
Current Lead PAs:
Second and third year Lead PAs, assuming they were NOT a Golden PA the prior year will be placed in the same unit as the prior year. 3rd year PA Leads must verify with the PA Coordinator that they will be serving a third year as a Lead PA. If they do not want to, they will be placed according to the same process for all other PAs. All lead PAs (prior and new) MUST complete all paperwork including the Lead PA application.
New Lead PAs:
PAs entering 10th or 11th grade that applying to be a Lead PA (these are PAs NOT already in a lead position) must complete the LEAD PA APPLICATION. The link for this application will be in the Confirmation Email that is sent to the adult registering the PA.
The PA Coordinator will reach out to those PAs that have applied and will schedule an interview with the PA, PA Coordinator, and MDW director. After all interviews have been completed and selections made, the applying PAs will be contacted, they may or may not be given an offer of a Lead PA position.
PAs who are given offers will be told which unit they would be in and given the opportunity to accept or decline the offer. Once offers are accepted the units with Lead PAs will be contacted to introduce the new members of the leadership team.
Platinum PAs:
These PAs are a valuable resource and they will be placed in a unit where their expertise and mentorship will be of most use. This could be a prior unit, especially if they had been a lead for the unit. Exceptions to the general guidelines may be made for these placements as the needs are determined.
Golden PAs:
These PAs may offer a request of placement, with the exception of Lead PAs (see note above about 3rd year Lead PAs). This request does NOT guarantee placement in the requested unit. If a Golden PA is needed in another unit, particularly to maintain a balance of experience and skill, then they may not be placed in a unit or grade level they requested.
Balance of Skill:
It is the goal that each unit has PAs that provide a balance in skill, expertise, leadership, and mentoring. This means that we try to place newer PAs with more experienced PAs in units. This allows more experienced PAs to mentor newer PAs and gives newer PAs an opportunity to lead and learn.
PA Limitations:
A PA may have a limitation. The fact that a limitation exists is noted and will not prevent a PA from being placed. Rather, it will be used to place them so that they and MDW will be the most successful. These cases will be evaluated on each individual basis during the placement process.
Paperwork, Recommendations, and Prior year evaluations:
When placing PAs multiple factors are taken into consideration. The information on a PA’s application, the references they receive, and the evaluations from the prior year. Evaluations for 8th grade PAs comes from the prior year PAIT program at MDW. These evaluations will consist of the PAIT grades and PAIT evaluations.
PA Distribution:
PA distribution can change from year to year based on information and knowledge learned from previous years and MDW needs. To help understand how PAs are distributed the following GENERAL guidelines are followed. Note that MDW may choose to make adjustments to the distribution if the camp needs determine it is necessary.
Unit Distribution:
Sibling – 2 PAs per units. Large older sibling units could have 3 PAs
Daisy – 2 PAs per unit.
Brownie – 2 PAs per unit.
Junior – 3 PAs per unit.
Outdoor Skills (ODS) – 6 PAs – There is one unit and these are all Lead PAs.
Program Aides In Training (PAITs) – There is one unit and these are all Lead PAs.
Rainbow Skills – 12 PAs + 3 Lead PAs – There is one unit and they teach skills to each unit in camp.
After the PA/CIT Selection and Placement Process:
This should serve as a guide on what happens once the selection and placement process is complete. This will include information on what happens if MDW needs to change the number of PAs needed or if selected PAs can no longer attend camp.
MDW determined more PAs are needed:
In the event that more PAs are required to fill the needs of camp the selection process may be slightly different based on MDW needs. The process is as follows.
Determine if MDW needs to fill a specific need. The PAs on the waitlist will be evaluated to meet that need and if a match is found the PA will be selected.
If there is not a specific need other than the need for more PA resources, the same selection process as noted in the selection section of this document will be used. In short, PAs will be selected based on filling the quota for each grade level.
Selected PA can no longer attend camp.
In the event that a selected PA can no longer attend camp the following process will be used to fill the vacant position.
NOTE: It is possible that the selection of more PAs or the replacement of an absent PA CAN change the placements.
Grade level replacement will be the first choice as this maintains the grade level distribution of PAs to units
a. If there are multiple PAs that would meet the grade level replacement criteria, the first thing that will be checked is whether there are siblings confirmed for MDW. If there are multiple PAs on the waitlist, in the required grade level, that have siblings then the PA who is registered earliest will be selected.
If there are no replacements for the grade level needed, then the next closest grade level will be accessed, this continues until a replacement is found.
a. This process would be the same as 1a above.
PA requirements for placement at MDW
There are specifics requirements that PAs are expected to fulfill in order to be considered for placement as a PA at MDW. Failure to complete requirements will result in the PA being placed back on the waitlist.
Paperwork: DUE: April 6, 2020
Every PA – NOT PARENT - is required to complete the minimal PA applications and references. Lead PAs (New and current) are required to fill out the Lead PA Application. All paperwork must be completed by the due date.
Links to the PA forms will be in the confirmation email sent to the adult registering the PA for camp. If there are questions regarding these forms please contact the PA Coordinator at
PA Application (Click here)
PA References (Click here)
PAs need two references from NON family members. Teachers, coaches, leaders, are all good options for references. Ask people who know YOU and your leadership skills.
Lead PA Application (Click here)
PAs going into the 10th grade or higher and want to be considered for a PA Lead position are required to fill out this application. Current PA leads are required to fill out the application as well.
Please contact the PA coordinator at and indicate that you are applying to be a Lead PA. This way an interview can be scheduled. The PA coordinator may reach out to a PA that completed a LEAD application and meets the criteria.
Lead PAs are in the following units: ODS, PAITS, and Rainbow (there are 3 leads).
PA requirements for MDW
There are some very specific requirements for PAs coming to MDW, please review
The PA coordinator expects to be able to contact PAs that have registered and applied to be a PA. This communication allows PAs to receive valuable details about camp. Sometimes surveys are sent, reminders, follow ups, etc. When filling out the PA application make sure that the email and phone number is for the PA and NOT the parent.
Most communication comes in the form of email; get in the habit of checking it regularly once registered for camp.
Attendance for training and camp are essential and mandatory. If training must be missed, prior arrangements need to be made with the PA Coordinator
Training is a MUST even if you have been to MDW before as a PA. PA and Adult leaders make up the Leadership Team for a unit. You have a responsibility to yourself, your team, and the campers to make sure that you are prepared for lead.
Indoor Training: Thursday - May 21, 2020
At Indoor Training:
PAs find out what unit they have been placed in.
Unit Leadership Teams meet and exchange contact information.
Unit Leadership Teams start the planning process for their week at camp.
Forms/agreements are signed.
Trained on camp rules and expectations. These can change year to year…don’t make assumptions.
PAs meet with PA Coordinator to discuss the week and go over rules and expectations that pertain to them.
Mentoring opportunities: New PAs must learn what it is to be a PA; this is where the first mentoring starts. Veteran PAs are expected to help new PAs learn
Opportunity to ask questions, meet new people and learn new things.
Camp updates from Core Staff.
Outdoor Training: Saturday – July 18, 2020
At Outdoor Training:
Camp and unit setup. PAs may be asked to lend a hand helping to setup a part of camp that is not their unit.
Training – this could be in the Canteen, First Aid, Leadership, etc. This is a VERY important part of outdoor training and should not be missed.
Pickup of unit supplies from supplies, arts and crafts, etc.
Turn in forms and requests. If a unit expects to check out supplies for their unit, they must turn in a request. Your menu request needs to be turned in if cooking on Monday.
Camp updates from Core Staff.
PA Overnight: Saturday – July 18, 2020 – Sunday – July 19, 2020
PAs are given a very special opportunity after Outdoor Training. They are invited to stay for the PA Overnight. This is a fun opportunity to relax, get some training in from the Golden PAs, work on PA signs, play lots of games, and eat good food. This is not required, but strongly encouraged.
Camp: Monday – July 20, 2020 – Friday – July 24, 2020
Camp is Monday through Friday. It is expected that PAs attend each day all day. Many volunteers at MDW take time from work or other activities in order to volunteer at camp. Without that commitment it would be difficult to run the camp. Consider this when asking to not show up for camp. Even Fridays are important, don’t leave the cleanup to your Leadership team or Core staff. Be responsible and follow through on your commitment.
If you are sick, we do not expect you to be at camp, in fact it would be best to not spread illness.
If there are questions or concerns about this expectation you can contact the PA Coordinator at